Dental Bridge
In the event that you lose one or more teeth, a dental bridge can restore your smile and bite. Dental bridges are custom-made appliances that restore the contour of your bite and restore your smile’s natural appearance. Dental bridges are semi-permanent and your dentist places them by bonding them to your existing teeth or to dental implants. Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Benefits of a dental bridge include:
- Restoring your smile
- Restoring the ability to chew and speak properly
- Restoring and supporting the natural shape of your face
- Correcting your bite by replacing the missing teeth
- Maintaining alignment of your remaining natural teeth
The dental bridge is composed of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap — these two or more anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth — and a false tooth/teeth in between to replace the missing ones. These false teeth are called pontics and are typically made of gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. Once the bridge is created, your dentist will affix it to your natural teeth. Unlike dentures, the bridge is only removable by your dentist.
Because the bridge is often bonded to the surrounding natural teeth, it’s important to keep your remaining teeth healthy. With proper oral care, your natural teeth and the dental bridge can last for several years. If you are missing one or more teeth, give us a call today to discuss your options for restoring your bite and smile.